Infatuation Scripts
Research Finding Reveals :
TheSurprising Scientific Reason Why Men Are Attracted To Certain Women
(Andwhy they constantly reject or overlook others).
All her life, Tanya was constantly told she was "outstanding ", "A great catch ", "gorgeous ", and "dream girlfriend material" by the guys she'd dated ...
Click Here To Buy and Full Details about the Product
However all their reassuring words actually made her feel stupid .
Because the cold, hard truth is :.
Although they SAID she was a great catch , they all eventually would break it off.
Which meant that they were all either not telling the truth , or there was something else wrong with her : something so repulsive they could not imagine themselves building a relationship with her.
"It made me really feel broken " she explained to us . "Why am I just not good enough for the men I deeply want ?".
"All I want is for a good man to choose me".
This question of what makes guys select a specific woman while overlooking others has plagued women for as long as men and women have been getting together .
Today, researchers may finally have the answer .
According to new research findings released in the scientific journal, "Archives of Sexual Behavior"*, men aren't drawn to women based on "rational reasons".
Relationship and dating researcher Clayton Max explained to us, "It's not about ticking all the boxes on his checklist of what makes his 'perfect partner '. And a woman can't persuade men to want to be with her".
From what I've seen , Max states , when a woman attempts to convince a man , pressure him , or show him how amazing she is, nine times out of ten it's going to backfire, because behaviors like this actually are the exact opposite of what makes a guy absolutely sure she is for him.
"The truth is" according to Max, "For guys , the decision process is about one thing and one thing only :.
They choose partners who set off the instinctive emotion of INFATUATION".
Psychologists have actually discovered that infatuation originates from a primitive drive deep within the brain ...
And in men , it's either on or it's not .
When a man's infatuation instinct is switched ON , it makes no difference if a potential partner has the qualities he's been searching for .
She could be totally wrong for him, yet he'll make time for her. He'll move mountains to be with her . He'll change occupations for her if necessary .
Because the Infatuation Instinct essentially forces him to ignore everything else other than her .
So exactly how does a woman trigger a man's Infatuation Response ... to make him so overwhelmed with desire for her he's willing to do anything to convince her how much he wants her?
Top 3 Ways To Make Him Love You Like Crazy
By Clayton Max, Creator of Infatuation Scripts
Are you falling hard for that special guy ? Is your mind overwhelmed with love and affection for him, yet you don't know exactly how to say it?
Possibly you're anxious that he could find you too overbearing and back away , or maybe you're worried that he'll be drawn into somebody else 's arms .
Whatever the scenario , I have 3 powerful strategies to make him experience a strong , all consuming need to be with you .
# 1. Gradually Work Your Way Into His Life
Most women assume that guys intend to sleep with a new girl as quick as they can . Yet in my research , I found that you're most likely to successfully pull him in by becoming good friends with him before going to the next level .
I realize that appears alarming as this could get you moved to the "Friend Zone". But the concept is to not jump in bed with him right away and draw the process out a little while .
The fact is , the majority of guys enjoy the sweet torture of the "slow burn".
By following these steps , you can maintain this back and forth till his desire reaches a level where he can't remain being 'just close friends ' with you .
He'll begin to feel an instinctive desire to move the relationship to the next level.
Discover The 'Subconscious Triggers' To Switch on a Man 's Infatuation Instinct
# 2. Win Him Over With Words
A good partnership comes about when a couple has a routine of communicating in a mild , loving manner .
Of course, in every-day life it doesn't always work like this , especially when arguments and differences of opinion arise .
Although for the most part, a partnership prospers when the focus is more on moments of affirmation than hostility or argument .
That's why he is most likely to respond constructively to a spouse that acknowledges his strengths and celebrates them through words of positive affirmation .
As an example , you may compliment him on how great he looks in his favorite t-shirt , or even just the way he remembers all that Star Wars trivia .
Think of the personality traits you like in him, then put in the effort to mention them .
Use These Scripts To Activate His Infatuation Instinct And See The Transformational Difference In How He Responds
# 3. Use Powerful Subconscious Signals
Have you ever observed how some couples appear to match one another ? I'm speaking about the way they finish each other 's sentences and already recognize what the other is thinking before they even say a word .
You can see this phenomenon in "perfect-fit" duos , whether it's your best friend with her hubby or maybe your 90-year old grandparents. When they seem to connect on a deep, unspoken level .
In order to replicate that connection and set the tone for you and your significant other , start with body language .
Of course , a long-lasting partnership requires you to create a bond of shared experiences and the like . Yet matching his body language , as an example , is a fantastic way to lay down the initial foundation .
As an example , when you're out on a date or adventure with him and he's having fun , he will probably have a content and engaged look on his gorgeous face.
What you would do here is reflect the brightness of his smile and, naturally , it will enable you to create an emotional link with him. This experience is nothing but remarkable , and it will certainly feel magical .
When you begin implementing these body language tips , you will begin putting your relationship on a far better course . Use these as behaviors you can embrace into your daily schedule , like eating breakfast or making a deposit at the bank .
Pretty soon , your connection is going to be abundant with love and there will be plenty of it to go around for many years to come .
But , did you know that you can also whisper a few special key phrases to him and make him quickly love you even HARDER? It seems insane , but there exists a mix of words that can literally change a guy 's emotional state and generate powerful feelings of passion for you.
The fact is that it's based on an odd psychological principle . Absolutely any girl can apply this with a combination of specific words that will create a powerful effect on the way he sees you.
It's like re-wiring his mind so he can't think of spending the rest of his days with anybody else except you. Honestly , it's a degree of devotion that's almost scary.
If you're ready for this kind of commitment , however, you can learn the keys to this technique right here:
How To Use Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You're The One For Him
The Reason Why Guys Push Away Their Perfect Girl
When Holly was introduced to Colin three years ago , she could see they were ideal for each other . They shared the same sense of humor and enjoyed the exact same movies and TV . Plus they both wanted a family in the next 5 years .
They even had the exact same favorite childhood story - The Velveteen Rabbit - a sweet coincidence that Colin often pointed out when people asked about how they met .
So when he unexpectedly left Holly one stormy October day, she was totally blindsided.
"I just don't comprehend what changed ," she told us "He had even told me that he'd made a list when he was younger of everything he wanted in the mother of his children , and that I'd checked off every last one . Not only that, just last month he was talking about singing lessons so he could serenade me at our wedding."
Sadly , this story is common . Dating and relationship expert Clayton Max told us it's not unusual at all for a male to suddenly retreat from a partner , even if they seem to be a perfect match .
"Something that many women do not understand ," Max says "is it doesn't really matter how good a woman is for a man 'theoretically '. She can check all the boxes on his list, but he's still vulnerable to panic when it comes to taking the relationship forward "
That's because, regardless of taking pride in being logical , Max states , "Males do not select a long-term partner based on who is the most logical choice for them. Rather , they select the person that makes them FEEL certain things."
What things?
According to Max, men are naturally a lot more frightened of commitment than womenare , but their brains also are pre-wired with a mechanism that overrides this concern with the ideal woman .
Max calls this The Infatuation Response , and when it's triggered , it essentially closes down the part of his brain that feels uncertain . All of a sudden his feelings of doubt are released , he feels a sense of certainty about the woman , and he's ready to move mountains to be with her.
When choosing between a partner who makes rational sense and one that 's triggered his primitive infatuation instinct , men will always go with the one that 's sparked his infatuation reaction each and every single time .
So what are the vital recommendations for someone that wants her partner to commit deeply to her?
1. Accept the Reality
A huge mistake that women make, is wishing guys were different than they are. But a guy can no more change the thoughts of uncertainty he has about long-term commitment than a woman can control her thoughts of wanting to commit .
As a matter of fact , when he has a feeling of being judged for not being sure , it adds to the anxiousness and guilt he secretly feels , making him more likely to leave instead of trying to work his thoughts out .
When you acknowledge that this is the way men arebuilt , and resist the urge to pressure him, it gives you room to concentrate on what YOU CAN DO to make him sure - activating his infatuation reaction .
2. Avoid Focusing on convincing him
Many women fall into the trap of trying to be a man's 'perfect girl' , by showering him with all the 'sweetheart ' traits , like being a good listener, being loyal, attentive, generous, and sexy .
They'll list out all the reasons they're a good match , or they'll attempt to identify what qualities he desires in a woman , so they can display them when he's around.
Regardless , they're attempting to work with his 'logical mind ', which in this case is not in charge .
Women do this repeatedly , despite the fact that this almost never ever works , leaving them disappointed , and angry when he winds up picking a woman who has almost none of the qualities he states he desires .
3. Focus on triggering his infatuation impulse
The only way of getting a man to commit with his entire heart, so he's absolutely sure that she is the one for him, is to trigger his infatuation response .
A man 's infatuation response is activated by a few very specific characteristics in a woman . Things like intrigue , boundaries, and also unpredictability , which stir a feeling of excitement and an intense desire to go after her .
While many women try to show her man just how dedicated she is to him in the hope that this is going to make him feel safe to open his heart, this more often than not builds on the pressure weighing him down , because at this moment , he's even more afraid of losing his freedom and personality than losing her.
To learn more about how to activate his infatuation impulse , including exact scripts that do precisely that, watch this free video presentation.
In it, you'll learn about the 'emotional tripwire', which places a man in infatuation mode, without him realizing why.
Watch it now while it's still online
5 Habits That Men Routinely Fall In Love With
"A lady ought to be 2 things: elegant as well as fabulous ."-- Coco Chanel
Whether you're trying to find a long-term partner , or currently have one, it pays to have the right habits to grow the spark of attraction .
The thing about guys is that they don't necessarily know exactly how to articulate what theywant in a woman .
The majority of guys weren't exactly shown about sharing their emotions while growing up . So it can be complicated for them to share their needs .
And this causes misunderstandings and unfulfilled expectations, which can create problems .
Luckily , I'm here to give you the inside track to exactly how guys think about relationships . Drawing from my experienceand from helping my clients , here are my Top 5 Tips To Make A Man Open Up And Fall In Love :
# 1: The Right Way To Play Hard To Get
I know this could seem like familiar territory , but listen up.
Often , many women (and men !) attempt to create attraction by putting on a distant-but- I-might-be-attracted -to-you kind of act.
Likewise , these women might wait a few hours before responding to messages to avoid looking desperate . Even worse, they act like they're busy , expecting it'll make a guy more interested in them.
Yet this strategy often backfires .
It's confusing - and he'll eventually get sick of this stilted act .
There's no problem showing interest in a person if you're curious , and there's no reason to mess each other around like this .
Instead , take a different approach -- one built on authenticityand builds interest .
Send your guy signs that you like him, and be engaged when you're together . Experts find that a man starts falling in love with a woman as soon as they understand that they are wanted.
As for the "playing hard to get" idea , that means actually staying busy.
Be engaged with all parts of your life... your job , your social life , hobbies , and all those things that make up a balanced and engaging life.
If living your life means that you're unavailable every now and then , that's fine .
Richard Wiseman, who wrote the book "59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute", did some research on this .
He discovered that individuals who were hard to get gave the impression that they are a high-value person . However , they LIKEWISE had to show enthusiasm toward the other individual to be attractive .
That way , it placed the subject in a more well rounded and appealing light.
Discover The 'Psychological Triggers' To Activate a Man 's Infatuation Instinct
# 2: Light His Fire
In short , you need to create intense feelings within a man while you're together . This will cause him to associate those feelings to you, which naturally intensifies the desire to be with you .
In an MIT research study , behavioral researchers identified that people have an automatic reaction of projecting their feelings from one experience the next.
How does this work ?
As an example , imagine you nearly struck another car while driving to work, you would carry those negative thoughts with you into the office . That previous, unconnected experience would be with you during the rest of your day .
This phenomenon is known as "psychological misattribution" or "emotional leak " - our natural tendency to attach intense emotions to another individual , even if they had little to do with it.
Additionally , this means that becoming physically aroused can quickly translate into a sexual attraction. So, if you can find ways to keep your time together exciting for him - like doing sports or something physically stimulating -- then he'll latch those feelings onto you.
# 3: Engage His Humor
For sure , a lot of women responded to this recommendation with a raised eyebrow .
But hear me out - this could be huge in strengthening the romantic connection .
First off , you don't need to be rolling on the floor with tears in your eyes .
But if your funny bone really is tingling from his one-liners, then go ahead and laugh .
Research shows that wit is a big part of intimacy . As you already know, women like guys that are funny or clever because it's a sign of intelligence (which is an attractive quality ).
But recent research carried out by Westfield State College, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University found that "men preferred those who were receptive to their own humor, particularly for sexual relationships."
It's not just about building up his ego ... but more about a man's desire to be valued in a relationship .
You might be surprised at the proportion of guys who tell me "appreciation" is one of the top priorities in a relationship . So, appreciating his humor and personality is a good step in that direction .
<b>Use These Scripts To Trigger A Guy 's Infatuation Instinct And Experience The Dramatic Difference On How He Responds To You - CLICK HERE</b> [LINK HERE]
<b># 4: You And Your Crew </b>
According to several behavioral studies , you become more appealing by socializing with your good friends .
For instance , there's research from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of California that both document what's called "The Cheerleader Effect."
The study basically shows that a person people see you as higher-value once you're seen in a group.
On the surface , you might think it's due to the fact that you'll seem more popular or charming .
Yet there's an additional angle to it. You see, we have a tendency of categorizing individual elements (like shapes, objects and people) into basic groups .
This is mainly a hardwired survival characteristic to not concentrate only on one individual thing - and rather the whole picture . And this impulse spills over to an individual 's social life as well .
So as a tip , you can set your social media (and online dating) profile photo to a photo where you're having fun with a couple of close friends . Just ensure it's clear where you are in the picture so you don't get lost in the sea of faces!
If you're looking at meeting a new fella in a bar or party , make sure to bring your squad along too . Social proof is a real attraction-enhancer , so use it to your advantage .
<b># 5: Appeal to His Sensual Appetite </b>
There's really no surprise here. Sensual intimacy is a key part of building your connection .
However you'd be stunned -- and even downright worried -- how many women are struggling in this area .
Many just don't understand power of feminine appeal to win a guy over .
And I'm not talking about acting out an adult movie .
I'm telling you to become aware of his desires.
For example , some women under value the immense power of physical touch.
The majority of men go their entire lives not knowing the pure pleasure of a validating pat on the back, a hug, or other types of affection .
Women, on the other hand, tend to experience this on a daily basis .
So making use of touch is an excellent way to ignite a deeper connection -- whether it's brushing against his arm or leg "accidentally " ...
... or putting your hand on his arm for a moment .
Remember , men like the flirty chase , and the delicious pleasure of the "slow burn."
And of course , guys love variety when it comes to sex . Trying something new every so often can be a huge turn on .
Even better , you could even ask him what he desires , then apply it in bed after (with your consent , of course). That would certainly produce an interesting subject , don't you think?
One final thing - there's another trait I didn't mention earlier, however it can be amazingly powerful in sparking his curiosity .
A study done at Rutgers University found a one-of-a-kind psychological trait in men known as an "emotional tripwire."
When you understand exactly how this works - and how to implement it (which is incredibly easy by the way ) ...
... your guy will instantly go into a state of extreme infatuation.
It's like a splinter in his mind , and he'll be unable to think about any other women in a romantic way -- except YOU.
Research Finding Reveals :
TheSurprising Scientific Reason Why Men Are Attracted To Certain Women
(Andwhy they constantly reject or overlook others).
All her life, Tanya was constantly told she was "outstanding ", "A great catch ", "gorgeous ", and "dream girlfriend material" by the guys she'd dated ...
Click Here To Buy and Full Details about the Product
However all their reassuring words actually made her feel stupid .
Because the cold, hard truth is :.
Although they SAID she was a great catch , they all eventually would break it off.
Which meant that they were all either not telling the truth , or there was something else wrong with her : something so repulsive they could not imagine themselves building a relationship with her.
"It made me really feel broken " she explained to us . "Why am I just not good enough for the men I deeply want ?".
"All I want is for a good man to choose me".
This question of what makes guys select a specific woman while overlooking others has plagued women for as long as men and women have been getting together .
Today, researchers may finally have the answer .
According to new research findings released in the scientific journal, "Archives of Sexual Behavior"*, men aren't drawn to women based on "rational reasons".
Relationship and dating researcher Clayton Max explained to us, "It's not about ticking all the boxes on his checklist of what makes his 'perfect partner '. And a woman can't persuade men to want to be with her".
From what I've seen , Max states , when a woman attempts to convince a man , pressure him , or show him how amazing she is, nine times out of ten it's going to backfire, because behaviors like this actually are the exact opposite of what makes a guy absolutely sure she is for him.
"The truth is" according to Max, "For guys , the decision process is about one thing and one thing only :.
They choose partners who set off the instinctive emotion of INFATUATION".
Psychologists have actually discovered that infatuation originates from a primitive drive deep within the brain ...
And in men , it's either on or it's not .
When a man's infatuation instinct is switched ON , it makes no difference if a potential partner has the qualities he's been searching for .
She could be totally wrong for him, yet he'll make time for her. He'll move mountains to be with her . He'll change occupations for her if necessary .
Because the Infatuation Instinct essentially forces him to ignore everything else other than her .
So exactly how does a woman trigger a man's Infatuation Response ... to make him so overwhelmed with desire for her he's willing to do anything to convince her how much he wants her?
Top 3 Ways To Make Him Love You Like Crazy
By Clayton Max, Creator of Infatuation Scripts
Are you falling hard for that special guy ? Is your mind overwhelmed with love and affection for him, yet you don't know exactly how to say it?
Possibly you're anxious that he could find you too overbearing and back away , or maybe you're worried that he'll be drawn into somebody else 's arms .
Whatever the scenario , I have 3 powerful strategies to make him experience a strong , all consuming need to be with you .
# 1. Gradually Work Your Way Into His Life
Most women assume that guys intend to sleep with a new girl as quick as they can . Yet in my research , I found that you're most likely to successfully pull him in by becoming good friends with him before going to the next level .
I realize that appears alarming as this could get you moved to the "Friend Zone". But the concept is to not jump in bed with him right away and draw the process out a little while .
The fact is , the majority of guys enjoy the sweet torture of the "slow burn".
By following these steps , you can maintain this back and forth till his desire reaches a level where he can't remain being 'just close friends ' with you .
He'll begin to feel an instinctive desire to move the relationship to the next level.
Discover The 'Subconscious Triggers' To Switch on a Man 's Infatuation Instinct
# 2. Win Him Over With Words
A good partnership comes about when a couple has a routine of communicating in a mild , loving manner .
Of course, in every-day life it doesn't always work like this , especially when arguments and differences of opinion arise .
Although for the most part, a partnership prospers when the focus is more on moments of affirmation than hostility or argument .
That's why he is most likely to respond constructively to a spouse that acknowledges his strengths and celebrates them through words of positive affirmation .
As an example , you may compliment him on how great he looks in his favorite t-shirt , or even just the way he remembers all that Star Wars trivia .
Think of the personality traits you like in him, then put in the effort to mention them .
Use These Scripts To Activate His Infatuation Instinct And See The Transformational Difference In How He Responds
# 3. Use Powerful Subconscious Signals
Have you ever observed how some couples appear to match one another ? I'm speaking about the way they finish each other 's sentences and already recognize what the other is thinking before they even say a word .
You can see this phenomenon in "perfect-fit" duos , whether it's your best friend with her hubby or maybe your 90-year old grandparents. When they seem to connect on a deep, unspoken level .
In order to replicate that connection and set the tone for you and your significant other , start with body language .
Of course , a long-lasting partnership requires you to create a bond of shared experiences and the like . Yet matching his body language , as an example , is a fantastic way to lay down the initial foundation .
As an example , when you're out on a date or adventure with him and he's having fun , he will probably have a content and engaged look on his gorgeous face.
What you would do here is reflect the brightness of his smile and, naturally , it will enable you to create an emotional link with him. This experience is nothing but remarkable , and it will certainly feel magical .
When you begin implementing these body language tips , you will begin putting your relationship on a far better course . Use these as behaviors you can embrace into your daily schedule , like eating breakfast or making a deposit at the bank .
Pretty soon , your connection is going to be abundant with love and there will be plenty of it to go around for many years to come .
But , did you know that you can also whisper a few special key phrases to him and make him quickly love you even HARDER? It seems insane , but there exists a mix of words that can literally change a guy 's emotional state and generate powerful feelings of passion for you.
The fact is that it's based on an odd psychological principle . Absolutely any girl can apply this with a combination of specific words that will create a powerful effect on the way he sees you.
It's like re-wiring his mind so he can't think of spending the rest of his days with anybody else except you. Honestly , it's a degree of devotion that's almost scary.
If you're ready for this kind of commitment , however, you can learn the keys to this technique right here:
How To Use Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You're The One For Him
The Reason Why Guys Push Away Their Perfect Girl
When Holly was introduced to Colin three years ago , she could see they were ideal for each other . They shared the same sense of humor and enjoyed the exact same movies and TV . Plus they both wanted a family in the next 5 years .
They even had the exact same favorite childhood story - The Velveteen Rabbit - a sweet coincidence that Colin often pointed out when people asked about how they met .
So when he unexpectedly left Holly one stormy October day, she was totally blindsided.
"I just don't comprehend what changed ," she told us "He had even told me that he'd made a list when he was younger of everything he wanted in the mother of his children , and that I'd checked off every last one . Not only that, just last month he was talking about singing lessons so he could serenade me at our wedding."
Sadly , this story is common . Dating and relationship expert Clayton Max told us it's not unusual at all for a male to suddenly retreat from a partner , even if they seem to be a perfect match .
"Something that many women do not understand ," Max says "is it doesn't really matter how good a woman is for a man 'theoretically '. She can check all the boxes on his list, but he's still vulnerable to panic when it comes to taking the relationship forward "
That's because, regardless of taking pride in being logical , Max states , "Males do not select a long-term partner based on who is the most logical choice for them. Rather , they select the person that makes them FEEL certain things."
What things?
According to Max, men are naturally a lot more frightened of commitment than womenare , but their brains also are pre-wired with a mechanism that overrides this concern with the ideal woman .
Max calls this The Infatuation Response , and when it's triggered , it essentially closes down the part of his brain that feels uncertain . All of a sudden his feelings of doubt are released , he feels a sense of certainty about the woman , and he's ready to move mountains to be with her.
When choosing between a partner who makes rational sense and one that 's triggered his primitive infatuation instinct , men will always go with the one that 's sparked his infatuation reaction each and every single time .
So what are the vital recommendations for someone that wants her partner to commit deeply to her?
1. Accept the Reality
A huge mistake that women make, is wishing guys were different than they are. But a guy can no more change the thoughts of uncertainty he has about long-term commitment than a woman can control her thoughts of wanting to commit .
As a matter of fact , when he has a feeling of being judged for not being sure , it adds to the anxiousness and guilt he secretly feels , making him more likely to leave instead of trying to work his thoughts out .
When you acknowledge that this is the way men arebuilt , and resist the urge to pressure him, it gives you room to concentrate on what YOU CAN DO to make him sure - activating his infatuation reaction .
2. Avoid Focusing on convincing him
Many women fall into the trap of trying to be a man's 'perfect girl' , by showering him with all the 'sweetheart ' traits , like being a good listener, being loyal, attentive, generous, and sexy .
They'll list out all the reasons they're a good match , or they'll attempt to identify what qualities he desires in a woman , so they can display them when he's around.
Regardless , they're attempting to work with his 'logical mind ', which in this case is not in charge .
Women do this repeatedly , despite the fact that this almost never ever works , leaving them disappointed , and angry when he winds up picking a woman who has almost none of the qualities he states he desires .
3. Focus on triggering his infatuation impulse
The only way of getting a man to commit with his entire heart, so he's absolutely sure that she is the one for him, is to trigger his infatuation response .
A man 's infatuation response is activated by a few very specific characteristics in a woman . Things like intrigue , boundaries, and also unpredictability , which stir a feeling of excitement and an intense desire to go after her .
While many women try to show her man just how dedicated she is to him in the hope that this is going to make him feel safe to open his heart, this more often than not builds on the pressure weighing him down , because at this moment , he's even more afraid of losing his freedom and personality than losing her.
To learn more about how to activate his infatuation impulse , including exact scripts that do precisely that, watch this free video presentation.
In it, you'll learn about the 'emotional tripwire', which places a man in infatuation mode, without him realizing why.
Watch it now while it's still online
5 Habits That Men Routinely Fall In Love With
"A lady ought to be 2 things: elegant as well as fabulous ."-- Coco Chanel
Whether you're trying to find a long-term partner , or currently have one, it pays to have the right habits to grow the spark of attraction .
The thing about guys is that they don't necessarily know exactly how to articulate what theywant in a woman .
The majority of guys weren't exactly shown about sharing their emotions while growing up . So it can be complicated for them to share their needs .
And this causes misunderstandings and unfulfilled expectations, which can create problems .
Luckily , I'm here to give you the inside track to exactly how guys think about relationships . Drawing from my experienceand from helping my clients , here are my Top 5 Tips To Make A Man Open Up And Fall In Love :
# 1: The Right Way To Play Hard To Get
I know this could seem like familiar territory , but listen up.
Often , many women (and men !) attempt to create attraction by putting on a distant-but- I-might-be-attracted -to-you kind of act.
Likewise , these women might wait a few hours before responding to messages to avoid looking desperate . Even worse, they act like they're busy , expecting it'll make a guy more interested in them.
Yet this strategy often backfires .
It's confusing - and he'll eventually get sick of this stilted act .
There's no problem showing interest in a person if you're curious , and there's no reason to mess each other around like this .
Instead , take a different approach -- one built on authenticityand builds interest .
Send your guy signs that you like him, and be engaged when you're together . Experts find that a man starts falling in love with a woman as soon as they understand that they are wanted.
As for the "playing hard to get" idea , that means actually staying busy.
Be engaged with all parts of your life... your job , your social life , hobbies , and all those things that make up a balanced and engaging life.
If living your life means that you're unavailable every now and then , that's fine .
Richard Wiseman, who wrote the book "59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute", did some research on this .
He discovered that individuals who were hard to get gave the impression that they are a high-value person . However , they LIKEWISE had to show enthusiasm toward the other individual to be attractive .
That way , it placed the subject in a more well rounded and appealing light.
Discover The 'Psychological Triggers' To Activate a Man 's Infatuation Instinct
# 2: Light His Fire
In short , you need to create intense feelings within a man while you're together . This will cause him to associate those feelings to you, which naturally intensifies the desire to be with you .
In an MIT research study , behavioral researchers identified that people have an automatic reaction of projecting their feelings from one experience the next.
How does this work ?
As an example , imagine you nearly struck another car while driving to work, you would carry those negative thoughts with you into the office . That previous, unconnected experience would be with you during the rest of your day .
This phenomenon is known as "psychological misattribution" or "emotional leak " - our natural tendency to attach intense emotions to another individual , even if they had little to do with it.
Additionally , this means that becoming physically aroused can quickly translate into a sexual attraction. So, if you can find ways to keep your time together exciting for him - like doing sports or something physically stimulating -- then he'll latch those feelings onto you.
# 3: Engage His Humor
For sure , a lot of women responded to this recommendation with a raised eyebrow .
But hear me out - this could be huge in strengthening the romantic connection .
First off , you don't need to be rolling on the floor with tears in your eyes .
But if your funny bone really is tingling from his one-liners, then go ahead and laugh .
Research shows that wit is a big part of intimacy . As you already know, women like guys that are funny or clever because it's a sign of intelligence (which is an attractive quality ).
But recent research carried out by Westfield State College, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University found that "men preferred those who were receptive to their own humor, particularly for sexual relationships."
It's not just about building up his ego ... but more about a man's desire to be valued in a relationship .
You might be surprised at the proportion of guys who tell me "appreciation" is one of the top priorities in a relationship . So, appreciating his humor and personality is a good step in that direction .
<b>Use These Scripts To Trigger A Guy 's Infatuation Instinct And Experience The Dramatic Difference On How He Responds To You - CLICK HERE</b> [LINK HERE]
<b># 4: You And Your Crew </b>
According to several behavioral studies , you become more appealing by socializing with your good friends .
For instance , there's research from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of California that both document what's called "The Cheerleader Effect."
The study basically shows that a person people see you as higher-value once you're seen in a group.
On the surface , you might think it's due to the fact that you'll seem more popular or charming .
Yet there's an additional angle to it. You see, we have a tendency of categorizing individual elements (like shapes, objects and people) into basic groups .
This is mainly a hardwired survival characteristic to not concentrate only on one individual thing - and rather the whole picture . And this impulse spills over to an individual 's social life as well .
So as a tip , you can set your social media (and online dating) profile photo to a photo where you're having fun with a couple of close friends . Just ensure it's clear where you are in the picture so you don't get lost in the sea of faces!
If you're looking at meeting a new fella in a bar or party , make sure to bring your squad along too . Social proof is a real attraction-enhancer , so use it to your advantage .
<b># 5: Appeal to His Sensual Appetite </b>
There's really no surprise here. Sensual intimacy is a key part of building your connection .
However you'd be stunned -- and even downright worried -- how many women are struggling in this area .
Many just don't understand power of feminine appeal to win a guy over .
And I'm not talking about acting out an adult movie .
I'm telling you to become aware of his desires.
For example , some women under value the immense power of physical touch.
The majority of men go their entire lives not knowing the pure pleasure of a validating pat on the back, a hug, or other types of affection .
Women, on the other hand, tend to experience this on a daily basis .
So making use of touch is an excellent way to ignite a deeper connection -- whether it's brushing against his arm or leg "accidentally " ...
... or putting your hand on his arm for a moment .
Remember , men like the flirty chase , and the delicious pleasure of the "slow burn."
And of course , guys love variety when it comes to sex . Trying something new every so often can be a huge turn on .
Even better , you could even ask him what he desires , then apply it in bed after (with your consent , of course). That would certainly produce an interesting subject , don't you think?
One final thing - there's another trait I didn't mention earlier, however it can be amazingly powerful in sparking his curiosity .
A study done at Rutgers University found a one-of-a-kind psychological trait in men known as an "emotional tripwire."
When you understand exactly how this works - and how to implement it (which is incredibly easy by the way ) ...
... your guy will instantly go into a state of extreme infatuation.
It's like a splinter in his mind , and he'll be unable to think about any other women in a romantic way -- except YOU.
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